President Emeritus, Chief Instructor and Founder
Brief info
Thomas J. Archambault has established unprecedented credibility with Use of Force training certification programs throughout the United States for over 37 years without his credentials or his programs ever questioned in litigation. Mr. Archambault has trained and certified over 17,000 instructors in Use of Force programs ranging from municipal to Federal levels of Law Enforcement since 1983.
For more than 37 years, TJA's Correctional Tactical Training Unit is the verified leader in the training and certification of County Sheriff's and Correctional Departments throughout the United States.
Notable Events:
• Personally selected to Train the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms in chemical weapons, one year after the Waco, Texas, Branch Davidian incident.
• Testified before the United States Congress at the Branch Davidian Hearings
• Developed and implemented one of the first, nationally recognized, generic OC Aerosol Spray - Instructor Courses used by the I.A.C.P. pepper spray study.
• Developer of the Master Instructor Certification Programs, in Chemical, Less Lethal Munitions, Diversionary Devices, and Use of Force.
• Developer of Master C.E.R.T. Instructor Certification and Disturbance Control Team Certification Programs.
• Inventor of the highly acclaimed, Emergency Response Belt, a protective and restraining "cloth device."
• U.S. DOJ Recognized Expert Witness - Use of Force Field
• Authorized U.S. Military Use of Force Instructor/Trainer
Certified Instructor/Trainer:
• Less Lethal Munitions
• Chemical Munitions & OC Aerosol Spray
• Diversionary Devices
• Police Master Use of Force
• Control & Restraint Techniques
• Emergency Response Belt
• Edged Weapons
• Impact Weapons
• Correctional Emergency Response Teams
• Disturbance & Riot Control
• Correctional Hostage Rescue Teams
• Civil Disobedience Management
• Use of Force Documentation Procedures